
29. dec. 2010

On my way to work

On my way to work it was foggy and cold as it is suitable for December. About -6 or 7 °C. I was ridding my bicycle and saw this scene. I was procrastinating, but eventually i stopped and took the camera out. Scene is here only once and only for the moment...

23. dec. 2010


Preskok je podjetje, ki se ukvarja s spletnim marketingom. Stojijo za dobrim projektom, ki potoršniku omogoča primerjavo cen pri številnih trgovinah. Portal je odlično orodje v rokah potrošnikov saj omogoča tudi WEB 2.0 interaktivne elemente. Uporabniki, ki so po večini potrošniki, lahko tako najdejo najugodnejše cene za isti izdelek ocenijo izdelek  in jih lahko primerjajo s podobnimi. Vidijo tudi zalogo in čas dostave. Prav tako pa lahko primerjajo še druge vidike marketinškega spleta: kakovost izedlka, način promocije in kakovost dostave posamezne trgovine in jo ocenijo. Na kratko: portošniki delijo izkušnje z izdelki, ki jih kupujejo in preko komentarjev ocenijo zadovoljstvo s storitvijo dostave.Delujejo kot ocenjevalci, nadzorniki, kritiki, kar daje spletnim trgovinam vpogled v mnenje potrošnikov in možnost izboljšave njihove ponudbe.
Spletna stran ponuja tudi naročanje na RSS novičke, s čimer lahko potrošnik ostane na tekočem. Edini element, ki pa morda manjka na spletni strani je neposredna povezava s socilnim medijem (npr Facebook) in gumbek "všeč mi je". Zelo priljubljeno orodje Facebooka, bi lahko bil pokazatelj kateri izdelki so uporabnikom najbolj všeč in tako bi lahko bil v pomoč podjetjem pri načrtovanju zalog.
No spodaj pa objavljam še čestitko, kjer je podjetje uporabilo za predlogo mojo sliko s tega bloga. Še enkrat se zahvaljujem za izbor slike, ker mi to pomeni da znanje, ki ga pridobivam samostojno že 1 leto vodi v pravo smer.

22. dec. 2010

Back to Ljubljana and Kamnik in december

Oh it's holiday season and we are seeing lots of lights all around. Weather in Kamnik was beautiful and it's less lit than Ljubljana, which has really powerful array of lights so the place really looks like an incubator. So, what am I talking about is, if the weather is cloudy then it reflects the orange light from the sky. Instead of having beautiful blue sky i have to stick with an orange one. I was also really trying to take pictures on manual mode again by measuring reflected light from colors in fifth group and then checking the highlights, so something wouldn't blow out. I also carried a white paper around so I could calibrate white balance.

Kamnik, old medieval center

Nice, lights and snow

Back to Ljubljana


Look towards the castle

Scene that is usually on postcards

20. dec. 2010

Velika planina

I've been to Velika planina on Sunday. It is plateau situated in front of Kamniške Alpe. Cable can take you to a height of 1409 m. Then we had to walk to the top, more or less 1600 m of altitude, which means that the top is mostly flat.Velika planina is famous for it's wooden mountain cottages, which you can rent for couple of nights. They have the basic infrastructure, which of course doesn't include broadband fiber optic connection.  It was cold and really windy. Snow was being blown everywhere and the temperatures were well below 0°C. So 3 hours of wandering outside were too much and in the end I couldn't tell anymore whether if I  was still holding my photo camera in my hands. I was expecting 2 m of snow, but the wind did it's job. It almost stripped away whole mountain tops. Ski season hasn't started yet. So here are some photos...

12. dec. 2010


This was, after a long while, first sunny weekend. I went to Vremščica 1019 m and visibility only improved towards evening hours. Shame was that it was very windy and cold so my fingers almost fell off. It was the first time that I deed everything on M. I was carefully measuring the exposure based upon colors. I'm going to explain this system in an next post, how to measure light that is reflecting from different colors and how to evaluate light dependent on color class. Again everything was shot with sigma 18-250 3.5-6.3 my favorite for hiking.

9. dec. 2010

Dresing a dog

Winter time. Mut is feeling cold and now he has to wear winter trainer collection of course. The color is in fact according with the winter time and Christmas. But he is not very satisfied by this fashion. He prefers his own fur for this task. Both shots were taken with Nikkor 35 mm lens, with a little bit of a built in flash.
Nikkor 35 1.8@2.8 1/60 ISO200  flash

Nikkor 35 1.8@2.8 1/60 ISO200  flash

8. dec. 2010

Sevilla citiy center

After exciting shot of Nikon promotional evening we return to Spain of course. Till now I have only displayed pictures of marvelous Plaza de Espana. Now pictures that follow are from the center of Sevilla. The colorful image continues as we walked the streets. Again they were angry and were waiting for me all the time. So they went to Starbucks (we don't have one in Slovenia and I'm not missing it) while I was out there shooting. At the end of the day we were awarded with some sunshine.