
12. apr. 2011

Krnsko jezero

I've visited Krnsko jezero (lake) after one year. It was covered in snow although it's situated on 1300 m, because it hides in the shadows of mountain peaks.  I didn't have my Nikon SLR camera because it had a fault on sensor. I didn't focus correctly. So I had to do with a compact Nikon S8000 coolpix camera.

Soča, always beautiful

Snowy look towards Lepena valley.

Path goes along old Austro Hungarian military road. Near lake were Austrian front lines during great war, while on the top of Krn 2245 m were Italians that took the peak from Hungarian soldiers at the beginning of war.

Look across the lake towards peak of Krn, main peak after which this lake was named after. To the left of Krn (not visible on the picture) there was ridge of Batognica. There a great mine warfare took place during WW1. The opposite sides were 80 m appart for almost 2 years.


Tonček Tone Toplak pravi ...

pomlad počasi tud prihaja v gore,lepe fotografije z lepimi motivi:)

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