
14. jan. 2011

Canon 500D

Next shots were shot with/without Canon 500d close up lens. This is a lens that you mount on your lens ,just like a filter, but it SHOULDN'T be mistaken with a macro filter. It is opticaly far more terrible than this close up lens.
But I'm using a Nikon. Well it's is the one thing that people shooting with a Nikon cannot go around. So it doesn't matter which camera do we own, the only important thing is that we have the right fi. They come from 52 to 77 mm of diameter.
This is a 100% crop with the lens attached. Sigma 18-250@250 f 13 and 1/60 ISO 200 with flash.

Normal without a crop, but with Canon 500D attached. sigma 18-250 f13, 1/60, ISO 200 with flash fired.

This is a 100% crop without the lens attached. Sigma 18-250@250 f 13 and 1/60 ISO 200 with flash.

Normal, without coping and without Canon 500d. Setting were the same.
Primary task of this lens is to save you money on a macro lens (it doesn't deliver the same performance as a macro) but it enables you to get closer to an object. Canon says that it's produces best results on telephoto lens and oh yeah: You can't focus on infinity, but this is not a problem if you are doing close up. It costs around 115 € for 72mm diameter.


Mateja Hribar pravi ...

ne ve no... tko se mi zdi k da je v določeni točki res oster, pol pa kr megleno vse skup.
pa kva je s tadrugo fotko? neka črnina spodej?
zdj boš reku, da si to sam testiru, sam... neeeee! popravi to! :) :) :)

Primož Bregar pravi ...

Mateja..."megleno" je globinska neostrina, ki se jo, da tudi izračunat (glede n agoriščno razdaljo, zaslonko in razdaljo od objekta...
Tista črnina spodej je pa zaradi uporable built-in fleša in sončne zaslonke oz. preveč zoomiranega objektiva, ki je "zastru" del objekta pred virom svetlobe ;)

Mateja Hribar pravi ...

hvala za razlago, ki pa je žal ne razumem :) :D :D

Jure pravi ...

tako je ja. bom še kšno naredu, sam morm stojalo postavt, da ne bo sence ;). sm na hitr delu.

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